Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Why am I getting Orange Peel…HELP!!!

Posted by: FUJI
Why am I getting Orange Peel is one of the most common questions we get asked at FUJI Spray.
Orange peel is a certain kind of finish that may develop on painted and cast surfaces, even screen protectors. The texture resembles the surface of the skin of an orange (fruit).”
Paint sprayed on a smooth surface (such as the body of a car or the surface of a furniture piece or cabinet) should dry into a smooth surface. At times various factors can cause it to dry into a bumpy surface resembling this texture.
Orange Peel can be prevented altogether by changing the painting technique or the properties of the material being used.
Here is a quick checklist to consider if you are experiencing orange peel….
1.    Does the material being sprayed need to be thinned?
§  As a rule of thumb most materials need to be thinned.
2.    How wide of a fan are you spraying and how far away are you from the surface?
§  Usually 4-5” wide from 6-8” inches away works best.
3.    Are you moving the gun properly?
§  Moving the gun like an Orchestra Conductor, with a loose wrist works best.
4.    Are you overlapping correctly?
§  We suggest that you should aim to overlap 1/3 – 1/2 with each pass
The number one issue for orange peel is that the material is too thick.
To remedy this, add more thinner (or appropriate solvent) to the mixture. For fast drying products such as lacquers, you may also want to add a lacquer slowing agent such as Floetrol. This will slow the drying time allowing the material to flow out and level nicely.
With the newer water-based materials orange peel is usually a result of spraying on too thick of a film. Try spraying an extremely THIN FILM, but still WET coat. A wet coat being “no dry spots that you think will flow together” and at the other end “no puddles or runs”.
Remember don’t turn the air down too much.  The more air used, the finer the atomisation will be.
This is why we suggest leaving the air control valve fully open when experimenting with a new coating material, otherwise it will cause confusion. If the air control valve is fully open (or perhaps removed for Latex spraying) then orange peel can only be one cause – our number one factor, the material being sprayed is too thick and must be thinned.

Spraying takes practice (both with the gun and the material you are working with). No one can be a master finisher on their first attempt. As they say “practice makes perfect”.  Happy Spraying!!


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